Our Pledge

You have a right to expect that information that you supply, or detail of your treatment is held in confidence. Only the persons involved in the provision of your care, that is your podiatrist and other members of the healthcare team directly involved in your care will have access to your records and then only in so far as it is necessary to fulfil their duties to you.

Very occasionally it may be necessary to share information with other health professionals, for example, your General Practitioner. This will only be done when it is in your interest and in order to provide you with the appropriate level of care. However, you are entitled to request that the information you give and details of your treatments are not to be disclosed to another healthcare professional without your prior consent.

If it is necessary to disclose information because you are being referred to another healthcare professional, this will only occur with your prior consent.

Clinical Audit

Information on your records may also be used for the purposes of clinical audit. Clinical audit is essential to the provision of good care and involves reviewing the care that you have received so as to ensure that future care is safe and to the standard which you could reasonably expect. There is no risk of information about you being made public as a result of a clinical audit as all data is anonymised.

However, you have a right to object to your records being used in a clinical audit. If you wish to object please inform the podiatrist so that measures can be put in place to stop your records being used for audit purposes.

Request for information

In the unlikely event that a request is received from a third party for information held on our records about you, details will not be disclosed unless you give the practice prior consent.

You may see your notes

If you wish to see your clinical notes at any stage so that you may see what information is recorded you may do so, the podiatrist will be only too pleased to show you your notes. There will however be an administrative fee if you want a copy.

If you need to complain

If you feel that there has been a breach of your confidentiality, you may raise the matter in the first instance with the podiatrist or practice manager. However, if you do not feel able to do so, or your complaint is against the podiatrist, then you may complain to The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists at 1 Fellmongers Path, Tower Bridge Road, London, SE1 3LY